Daisy quickly mastered the skill of sitting down, and because of that I moved right into teaching her how to lie down. I began by asking Daisy to sit, then showing her the treat in my hand and moving my hand to the floor where she would have to lie down if she wanted to try and get the treat, once Daisy laid down I then gave her the treat and told her that she was a good girl! Daisy was fast at recognizing that the word lie down, as well as the motion of me placing my hand on the floor, meant that I was asking her to lie down. I was then able to take away the treat and only use the hand motion as well as the the phrase lie down to get her to lie down. I am now working on teaching Daisy to lie down when she hears the phrase lie down without the motion, while it is a little difficult I have no doubt that she will quickly catch on! I am still using the same resource as the last two weeks – Zak George’s 3 Easy Things to Teach Your New Puppy, and I am still finding it extremely useful!