EDCI 336 Online Portfolio

Category: EDCI 306A (page 1 of 1)

Final Demonstrations Summary

For my final musical growth demonstrations I have chosen to play Old MacDonald and the Alphabet song! Both of these songs will be incredibly useful in the classroom because they are simple enough for the kids to sing/clap along too while still being interesting. I believe the Alphabet song will be incredibly useful because the instrumental song is also used for ‘twinkle twinkle little star’, because of this I think that the lyrics will be easily adaptable and can be changed to fit with activities/academic subjects that are being taught in the class. Similar with my midterm demonstration I have still had some difficulty with timing and speed when it comes to playing the guitar but I am very proud of my progressive, especially how my confidence with guitar has increase. Now that school is over and I am no longer overloaded with work I plan on continuing to practice the guitar. I will mainly be practicing my timing and learning basic songs that I can add to my teaching toolkit.

From this experience I have found tabs to be the most helpful when learning my songs. Below I have added the tabs I used for Old MacDonald and the Alphabet song.

This is the link for Old MacDonald tab

Alphabet Song

Below is a video of me playing the Alphabet Song on guitar. I believe that being able to play this song will be extremely useful in my future classes, especially for younger grade. This song will also be useful because the words can easily be switched up and used for other lessons.

Old Macdonald

Below is a video of me playing Old MacDonald on the guitar. I am extremely proud of the final product because I had the most difficulty learning and playing this song. I had a particularly difficult time with holding the guitar strings down and moving from one string/fret to the next. You can see in the video where I feel confident in the song and where I am being extra cautious, I think that as I continue to practice my confidence will keep growing (and my fingertips will callous)!

Having Old MacDonald in my teaching toolkit is excellent because I will play it in my classroom, especially with the younger grades when learning about different animals and what sounds they make!

Midterm Demonstration

Today is the day that our EDCI 306A Midterm Demonstration is due. For mine, I chose to demonstrate how I have learnt the song ‘Happy Birthday’ on guitar. While I had difficulty with the timing I was still quite impressed with the final product and look forward to bettering it for my Final Demonstration!

Music Blog #2

I have managed to improve on my timing for Happy Birthday and I am now working on singing along while I am playing. I am finding this incredibly difficult as I am both tone deaf and find it difficult to remember the lyrics while also remembering what notes to play. I have been following the directions of an article named “8 Tips for Playing Guitar and Singing at the Same Time” which I have found extremely useful. The first step says to choose a simple song, which I have already done and the second step suggests to work the song into your muscle memory so that you no longer need to concentrate on remembering what to play. I have been practicing Happy Birthday every day whenever I have a spare fifteen minutes and already feel myself playing with my memory instead of constantly trying to remember. I believe I still need to practice for a few more days to fully have it committed to my muscle memory and then I will try to sing while playing again! Every step that I get closer to being able to play Happy Birthday on the guitar is very exciting as I believe it will be a great special activity for my future students birthdays.

I have attached below the steps that I found from Musical-U.com and will continue to follow as I continue to work on mastering Happy Birthday!

Music Blog #1

To learn the guitar I decided to begin by looking online for simple songs to learn for an elementary classroom. The three the seemed the most important to me were Happy Birthday, the ABC song, and Old MacDonald. I watched a YouTube video and also found the tabs for each of my chosen songs. I found that the tabs helped me understand what I needed to do a lot more than the videos did. I jotted down the tabs so that I can easily refer back to them during my practices, which I do 3-6 times a week for approximately 15-20 minutes. I have managed to get the basics of the song down but have no fully mastered the timing.

While I do feel that my ability to read sheet music has improved since I very first began, I do not feel confident enough to rely on it for my 1st or 2nd song. Hopefully for my final song, I have enough faith in my sheet music reading ability that I am able to use it.

Below is the notes I took on the tabs for Happy Birthday.