To learn the guitar I decided to begin by looking online for simple songs to learn for an elementary classroom. The three the seemed the most important to me were Happy Birthday, the ABC song, and Old MacDonald. I watched a YouTube video and also found the tabs for each of my chosen songs. I found that the tabs helped me understand what I needed to do a lot more than the videos did. I jotted down the tabs so that I can easily refer back to them during my practices, which I do 3-6 times a week for approximately 15-20 minutes. I have managed to get the basics of the song down but have no fully mastered the timing.

While I do feel that my ability to read sheet music has improved since I very first began, I do not feel confident enough to rely on it for my 1st or 2nd song. Hopefully for my final song, I have enough faith in my sheet music reading ability that I am able to use it.

Below is the notes I took on the tabs for Happy Birthday.