Daisy is almost back to her normal self! She’s still pretty floppy and sleepy but she has definitely perked back up. This week my plan was to teach Daisy how to spin but due to her floppiness (and laziness) it has not been going as well as expected. I am not following any instructions for the trick ‘spin’ and I am instead attempting to figure it out by myself. I have been using treats and encouraging Daisy to follow it with her nose while I move the treat in a circular motion above her. Once Daisy completes the spin I tell her that she is a good girl and give her the treat as a reward. I believe that this will work when Daisy is more motivated but as of right now Daisy is simply sitting down and following the treat with her head/eyes. If my method does not work I hope to find a helpful video by Zak George, who has published the majority of the dog training videos I have used. To recap Daisy has mastered ‘sit’ and ‘lie down’ but still needs some additional work on ‘up’ and ‘leave it’, while there are still many tricks to work on I believe that Daisy is doing very well for being only four months old!