In this weeks class we had the opportunity to listen to Jeff Hopkins speak about his school the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry. During Mr. Hopkins presentation we learnt about the process and work that goes into creating a school, as well as the way that the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry is different than other private schools. One of the things Mr. Hopkins said that stood out to me was when he said that the school is only private because it allows for him to run the school in the way that it is ran, but Mr. Hopkins wants the school to eventually shut down because hopefully that will mean that public schools are following the School of Innovations lead. The aforementioned statement was interesting to me because I have dreamt of creating my own school for several years and often explain that it would only be private in order to operate in the desired way until it was adopted by the public school system. Hearing about Mr. Hopkins achieve his goal of various other schools adopting his School of Innovations design is extremely inspiring and allowed for me to see that my dream can actually be done.