For my final musical growth demonstrations I have chosen to play Old MacDonald and the Alphabet song! Both of these songs will be incredibly useful in the classroom because they are simple enough for the kids to sing/clap along too while still being interesting. I believe the Alphabet song will be incredibly useful because the instrumental song is also used for ‘twinkle twinkle little star’, because of this I think that the lyrics will be easily adaptable and can be changed to fit with activities/academic subjects that are being taught in the class. Similar with my midterm demonstration I have still had some difficulty with timing and speed when it comes to playing the guitar but I am very proud of my progressive, especially how my confidence with guitar has increase. Now that school is over and I am no longer overloaded with work I plan on continuing to practice the guitar. I will mainly be practicing my timing and learning basic songs that I can add to my teaching toolkit.
From this experience I have found tabs to be the most helpful when learning my songs. Below I have added the tabs I used for Old MacDonald and the Alphabet song.