It’s coming to the end of this free inquiry but that doesn’t mean Daisy is going to stop learning! From this experience Daisy has learnt her name, how to sit, lie down, leave it, up and with difficulty Daisy has kind of learnt how to spin. For myself, I have learnt the basics of how to train a puppy and while it does not have much to do with elementary education it definitely did better my patience. Soon, Daisy is going to join a discipline training program which is going to be a great experience for Daisy as she well get to meet more dogs and people. Hopefully through the training program I will also be able to have a stronger understanding of the best way to support Daisy in her training. One of the things that I hope to have help with is teaching Daisy not to eat things off of the counter, recently Daisy nabbed a daffodil from one of the flower vases and unfortunately became quite sick for a day.
Daisy and I say thank you for this opportunity and Happy Easter!